Canadian Pentecostal Research Network
CPRN is based at Trinity Western University where I coordinate a range of activities and projects related to the study of Pentecostalism. CPRN encourages the scholarly study of Pentecostalism in Canada and worldwide at academic conferences and public lectures. Between 2010 and 2019 CPRN published the journal, Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity. While the journal is no longer in publication, articles may be found here - CJPC
A list of theses and dissertations on Canadian Pentecostalism can be found here.

Canadian Pentecostalism
Aechtner, Thomas. 2008. One in Worship: The Anthropological Investigation of an African Diaspora Christian Community. M.A. thesis, University of Calgary.
Althouse, Peter. 2001. Spirit of the Last Days: Contemporary Pentecostal Theologians Dialogue with Jurgen Moltmann. Ph.D. diss., University of St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto.
Altpeter, Caroline. 1993. Roman Catholic Sacramental Pneumatology after Vatican II: Some Critical Reflections. Th.D. diss., St. Michael’s College, University of
Bedard, Robert Laurent. 2003. District Office Strategies for Pastoral Development. M.A. thesis, Royal Roads University.
Bedard, Robert Laurent. 2008. Emerging Models of Ministerial Training for Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. D.Th. diss., University of South Africa.
Beesely, David Hartley. 1999. Worship Style Preferences: Comparison of Younger and Older Canadian Pentecostals. D.Min. thesis, Ashland Theological Seminary.
Block, Tina Marie. 1999. Housewifely Prayers’ and Manly Visions: Gender, Faith and Family in two Victoria Churches, 1945-1960. M.A. thesis, University of Victoria.
Bolton, Eleanor Marion. 1995. Pentecostal Distinctives as Experienced by Believers in Three Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Churches, D.Min., Oral Roberts University.
Broman, Anthony. 2005. An Exploratory Study of Work Stress and Thoughts of Quitting among Canadian Evangelical Clergy. M.A. thesis, Trinity Western University.
Buch, M. Wesley. 1994. Exorcism-Seekers: Clinical and Personality Correlates. Ph.D. diss., University of British Columbia.
Bullerwell, V. Scott. 1990. A Bible College Course Entitled 'Preaching the Old Testament.' D.Min., thesis, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Burns, Terry. 2019. Canadian Pentecostal Spirituality: Addressing the Theological Drift. D.Min. thesis, Acadia Divinity College.
Bursey, W. Dean. 2012. The Garden of Encounter: Altered States of Consciousness in Pentecostal Experience. M.A. thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University.
Bursey, W. Dean. 2018. 2018. Educating Teachers for Ontario's Multi-religious Classroom: Accommodating Religious Learners and Respecting Student Autonomy. D.Ed thesis, University of Glasgow.
Burton, Richard. 2003. An Ecclesiology for Effective Ministry at Calvary Pentecostal Church in the Twenty First Century. D.Min., thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary.
Butler, Ewen H. 2015. The Interface of Two Canadian Renewal Movements: Classical Pentecostalism in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada and the Charismatic Movement, 1960-1985. Ph.D. diss., Regent University.
Candler, Craig T. 1999. Healing and Cultural Formation in a Bush Cree Community. M.A. thesis, University of Alberta.
Cartwright, Christine A. 1983. Charismatic Culture in St. John’s, Newfoundland: A Cross-denominational Study of Religious Folklife in Three Groups. Ph.D. diss., Memorial University.
Chi, In Sung. 1998. Holiness and Wholeness: Toward a Holistic Christian Spirituality in the Korean Syncretic Context. Th.D. diss., Emmanuel College, University of Toronto.
Chiu, Gideon Chung Kuen. 1982. Latter Rain Teachings on Restoration. M.Th. thesis, Regent College, Vancouver.
Chiu, Gideon Chung Kuen. 1997. A Strategy for Effective Evangelism in Vancouver. D.Min., thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary.
Cho, Kyuhoon. 2004. Religion in Diaspora: The Transformation of Korean Immigrant Churches in Global Society. M.A. thesis, University of Ottawa.
Collier, Michael. 1984. Order, Orders and Ordinances in Canadian Pentecostalism.
M.T.S. thesis, Atlantic School of Theology.
Cull, W. James. 1977. The Development of a List of Recommended Audio Visual
Materials for use in Religious Education in Schools Operated by the Pentecostal Assemblies Board of Education in Newfoundland. M.Ed. thesis, Memorial University.
Craig, James. 1995. Out and Out for the Lord: James Eustace Purdie, An Early Anglican Pentecostal. M.Th. thesis, St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto.
Crichton, Scott Wesley George. 2000. Building Faith. M.Arch. thesis, Dalhousie
Dalton-Rhéaume, Francis. 1996. Aimee Semple McPherson: The Forgotten Evangelist. M.A. thesis, Concordia University.
Dawes, Stuart Wayne. 1994. Toward a Biblical and Pneumatic Theology of Social Concerns for the Pentecostal Movement. Ph.D. diss., Université Laval.
Demchuk, Leslie David. 2007. The Design and Implementation of a Volunteer Ministry Program. D.Min., thesis. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Di Giacomo, Michael. 1994. Les Assemblées de la Pentecôte: leur origine, leur évolution, leur théologie distinctive, M.A. thesis, Université Laval.
Di Giacomo, Michael. 1999. Les pentecôtistes québécois, 1966-1995: histoire d’un réveil. Ph.D. diss., Université Laval.
Elliott, David Raymond. 1989. Studies of Eight Canadian Fundamentalists. Ph.D. diss., University of British Columbia.
Engel, Barkley J. 1999. Socialization for Conformity in a Pentecostal Boarding School. M.A. thesis, University of Manitoba.
Evans, Andrew. 2006. Developing a Biblical Worldview in Postmodern Teenagers. M.A., Trinity Western University.
Evans, Andrew. 2016. Using Catechesis to Foster Spiritual Growth in Pre-Teens. D.Min., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
Eze, Debi. 2008. Where Haitians Are, Where Haitian Can Come: Belonging and Cultural Reproduction among Haitian Immigrant Pentecostals in Canada. M.A. thesis, Concordia University.
Feller, George I. 1993. A Bible College Course Entitled 'The Kingdom - now, later, or both.' D.Min., thesis, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Flanagan, Shane Andrew. 2005. From Tent to Tabernacle: A History of the Origins and Development of the Atlantic Northeast Pentecostal Tradition. M.A. thesis, Acadia University.
Fletcher, Gordon. 1989. Lost Shepherd: Why Individuals are leaving Full-Time Ministry in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, Alberta District. D.Min., St. Stephen’s Theological College, Edmonton, Alberta.
Fortune, David. 2004. The Influence of Organizational Factors on Small Group Ministries in Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Churches. D.Min., thesis, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
Gibson, Brent Frederick. 2009. Implementing Pentecostal Worship within the Emerging Canadian Postmodern Context at Ridgemont Assembly, Port Coquitlam, British Columbia. D.W.S. thesis, Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies.
Gibson, Graham. 1994. Native Theological Training within Canadian Evangelicalism: Three Case Studies. M.A. thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University.
Godwin, Colin Robert. 1995. The Empowered Mission of the Whole People of God: The Theology of Mission in the Charismatic Renewal Movement Since 1960: A Study of Seven Major Charismatic Authors. M.A. thesis, St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto.
Grant, Marilyn Gail. 1981. Healing by Conviction: Charismatic Adjunctive Therapy. M.A. thesis, York University.
Griffin, Ronald John. 1976. Social Change, Belief and Pentecostalism in the Roman Catholic Church. M.A. thesis, York University.
Griffin, William Arthur. 2008. Development of a Course of Study on Pentecostal Theological Distinctives. D.Min. thesis, Trinity International University.
Guenther, Bruce L. 2001. Training for Service: The Bible School Movement in Western Canada, 1909-1960. Ph.D. diss., McGill University.
Hattie-Longmire, Brenda. 2001. 'Sit Down Brother!' Alice B. Garrigus and the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland. M.A. thesis, Mount Saint Vincent University.
Hawkes, Paul. 1982. Pentecostalism in Canada: A History with Implications for the Future. D.Min., San Francisco Theological Seminary.
Hawkes, Paul Stewart. 2003. A Critical Analysis of the Third and Fourth Weave of Pentecostalism. D.Th. thesis, University of South Africa.
Hawkes, Paul Stewart. 2014. Sanctification and our Inner Dialogue: The Application of Scripture to our Self-talk. D.Min. thesis, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Hildebrandt, Lillian. 1989. A Study of Music in Pentecostal Churches and Bible
Colleges. M.Ed. thesis. University of British Columbia.
Hildebrandt, Lillian. 2008. Curriculum Development for Worship in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. D.Ed. diss. University of South Africa.
Hildebrandt, Wilfred. 1989. An Investigation of Ruach as the Spirit of God in the Hebrew Canon. Th.M. thesis. Regent College.
Hildebrandt, Wilfred. 2004. The Cessation of Prophecy in the Old Testament. D.Th.
diss. University of South Africa.
Holm, Randall. 1996. A Paradigmatic Analysis of Authority within Pentecostalism. Ph.D. diss., Université Laval.
Holmes, Paula Elizabeth. 1995. Charismatic Fundamentalism and Orality. M.A. thesis, University of Calgary.
Holmes, Pamela Maureen Susanne. 2009. Towards a Pentecostal Critical Feminist Theology of Liberation: 'Starring' Walter Benjamin, Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Elisabeth Schuessler Fiorenza and the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Ph.D. diss., University of St. Michael's College, University of Toronto.
Hyatt, Susan Christian. 2000. A Biblical Theology of Womanhood for Spirit-Oriented Believers: A Course Designed for Pentecostal/Charismatic Training Contexts. D.Min. thesis, Regent University.
Janes, Burton K. 1991. Floods Upon the Dry Ground: A History of the Pentecostal
Assemblies of Newfoundland, 1910-1939. M.A. thesis, Memorial University.
Jaenen, Cornelius. 1950. The Pentecostal Movement. M.A. thesis, University of
Johnson, R. Van. 1997. The Development of Sheol/Hades in the Jewish Apocalyptic Writings. Th.D. diss., Wycliffe College, University of Toronto.
Johnston, Luke Thomas. 2007. Capturing the Spirit: The Pentecostal Testimony and the Crafting of Denominational Memory, 1920-1992. M.A. thesis, Queen's University.
Johnston, Robin. M. 2010. Howard Goss: A Pentecostal Life. Ph.D. diss., Regent University.
Klan, Donald Thomas. 1979. Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Church Growth in
British Columbia from Origins until 1953. M.C.S. thesis, Regent College and Seminary.
Krause, Michael Gerhard Ernst. 2009. The End of the World as we Know it: Alternative Models of Church for the Twenty-first Century. D.Min. thesis, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
Kurtz, Robert M. 1999. Personal Accounts of the Influence of Austin Chawner on Tsonga-speaking African church Leaders. M.A. thesis, ICI University.
Kydd, Ronald Alfred Narfi. 1972. Charismata to 320AD: A Study of the overt Pneumatic Experience of the Early Church. Ph.D. diss., University of St. Andrews.
Loder, Allan Thomas. 2000. An Examination of the Classical Pentecostal Doctrine of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in light of the Pentecostal Position on the Sources of Theology. M.Div. thesis, Providence Theological Seminary.
Loewen, Ronald James. 1997. The Faith Vineyard Christian Fellowship. M.A. thesis, University of Calgary.
Lucas, James R. 1997. Designing and Implementing a Bible College Course that Introduces the Study of Biological Life used as a Foundation to Discuss both Biologically and Biblically current Bioethical Issues Facing the Church. D.Min. thesis, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Lunshof, Henry. 1993. Reformed and Charismatic: A Theology and Strategy for a Blend of Two Streams. D.Min., Fuller Theological Seminary.
MacGregor, Allison. 2011. A Dialogical Approach to Pentecostal Pneumatology. M.A. thesis, Acadia University.
MacPhail, Stephanie Breanne. 2011. Pentecostals and Social Issues in Canada. MA thesis, Saint Mary’s University
Martin, Heather D. 2007. A Framework for Theological Lifelong Learning in the Northwest Territories. D.Min. thesis, Providence Theological Seminary.
Massarelli, Lewis. 1998. A Study of the Music of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada and How it Changes at Times of Renewal. M.A. thesis, California State University.
McAlister, Nicholas. 2018. Worship as Practical Theology: A Case Study Exploring the Full Gospel Theology of Corporate Worship. M.A. diss., University of Birmingham, UK.
McInnis, Troy C. 1991. Catholic Charismatic Renewal and Cursillo: A Comparison of Internal Non-Schismatic Religious Movements and their Members. M.A. thesis, University of New Brunswick.
McLean, Brian. 2014. Pentecostalism, Mainline Protestantism, and the A.C. Valdez Jr. Healing Campaign in Winnipeg, 1952. Ph.D. diss., University of Manitoba.
McLeod, Mark. 1990. The Role of Local Church Missions Leadership in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. M.Min. thesis, Northwest Baptist Theological Seminary.
Milley, David B. 1999. A Study of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland’s Message of Separation. D.Min., Providence Theological Seminary.
Milley, Garry Eugene. 1996. The Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Study
Guide to accompany the text Canadian Pentecostals: A History of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. D.Min., Acadia University.
Million, Margaret Mary. 1999. Changing Forms of Parish Renewal: Toward a
Restructuring of the Parochial Model, 1950 - 1999. Ph.D. diss., Concordia University.
Mittelstadt, Martin. 2002. The Spirit and Suffering in Luke-Acts: Implications for a Pentecostal Pneumatology. Ph.D. diss., Marquette University.
Mix-Ross, Aaron. 2011. Fire in His Belly: A History of the Office of Social Concerns and Public Relations of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada as Coordinated by Reverend Hudson T. Hilsden, 1976-1993. M.Div. thesis, Tyndale Seminary.
Morrow, William D. 1996. Potential for Ministry: Evaluation Instruments for Bible
College Students in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Tradition. D.Min., United Theological Seminary.
Newman, David Lorne. 2012. The Eschatology of Newfoundland and Labrador Early Pentecostals: 'Jesus is Coming Soon,' 1910-1949. M.A. thesis, Memorial University.
Nelson, Kenneth Mick. 2005. Seminary Without Walls: Evaluating a Working Alternative to Traditional Theological Education. D.Min. thesis, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Noel, Bradley Truman. 1998. Gordon Fee’s Contribution to Contemporary
Pentecostalism’s Theology of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. M.A. thesis, Acadia Divinity College.
Noel, Bradley Truman. 2014. Pentecostalism, Secularism, and Post-Christendom. D.Min. thesis, Acadia Divinity College.
Neumann, Peter D. 2010. Encountering the Spirit: Pentecostal Mediated Experience of God in Theological Context. Ph.D. diss., University of St. Michael's College, University of Toronto.
Opp, James William. 2000. Religion, Medicine, and the Body: Faith Healing in Canada, 1880-1930. Ph.D. diss., Carleton University.
Oram, Peter. 2015. Classical Pentecostalism in French Canada. M.A. diss., University of Birmingham, UK.
Paulsen, Les. 1992. A Newcomer Assimilation Strategy for Bethel Pentecostal Church. M.A. thesis, Moody Bible Institute.
Peters, Erna Alma. 1970. The Contribution to Education by the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. M.Ed. thesis, University of Manitoba.
Petroski, Gregory. 1979. Professed Religious Ideas and Realities: A Case-study of Dissonance in a Religious Grouping. M.A. thesis, University of Regina.
Pierre, Teresa Olsen. 1998. That We May Glorify Him in Our Bodies: William of St.
Thierry’s Views of the Human Body. Ph.D. diss., University of Toronto.
Pinsent, William Paul. 1998. The Institutionalization of Experiential Religion: A Study of Newfoundland Pentecostalism. M.A., thesis. Memorial University.
Porter, David K. 1996. The Institutional Development of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. M.Rel. thesis, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto.
Porter, David K. 1999. Shaping the Missionary Identity of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada: Spirit Baptism and Eschatology in the Writings of George A. Chambers and Robert E. McAlister. Th.M. thesis, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto.
Prosser, Peter E. 1978. An Historical and Theological Evaluation of the Charismatic
Renewal. M.A. thesis, Université de Montréal
Purdy, Harlyn G. 2014. A Distinct Twenty-first Century Pentecostal Hermeneutic. D.Min. thesis, Acadia Divinity College.
Ragoonath, Aldwin. 2000. Pentecostal Preaching in North America. Th.D. thesis., University of South Africa.
Richards, James Graydon. 1989. A Manual for Teaching Communication Skills to Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Lay Persons: Application of Homiletical Techniques for Church Small Groups. D.Min. thesis, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Rideout, Frederick David. 1987. Attitudes of Pentecostal Teachers in Newfoundland
Toward Appropriate Strategies for Resolving Impasses in Collective Bargaining. M.Ed. thesis, Memorial University.
Robinson, Timothy J. 2006. Releasing the Captives for the Kingdom: The Challenge of Developing a Pentecostal Theology of Justice in the North American Context. Ph.D. diss., McMaster Divinity College, McMaster University.
Robson, Robert Brian. 2012. The Temple, the Spirit and the People of the Presence of God: Examining Critical Options for a Pentecostal Ecclesiology. Ph.D. diss., University of Toronto.
Rogers, Nelson. 1992. And Shall Your Daughters Prophesy? The Impact of the Dominant Ideology of Canadian Society on the Role of Women in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. M.S.W. thesis, Carleton University.
Ross, Brian Robert. 1971. The Emergence of Theological Education within the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. M.A. thesis, Knox College, University of Toronto.
Ross, Brian Robert. 1974. Donald Gee: Sectarian in Search of a Church. Th.D. diss., Knox College, University of Toronto.
Samuel, Joshua P.S. 2013. 'God is Really Among You!' The Spirit's Immediacy in Pentecostal Corporate Worship. Ph.D. diss., McMaster Divinity College.
Schinkel, C. Mark. 1990. The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada: The Influence of Fundamentalism on Articles Appearing in The Pentecostal Testimony. M.Rel. thesis, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto.
Schreck, Alan. 1979. Ronald Knox’s Theory of Enthusiasm and its Application to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Ph.D. diss., St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto.
Seamone, Donna Lynne. 2000. This is My Story, This is My Song: Verna Maynard's Life Story and Her Ritual Performance at the Kitchener Church of God (Ontario), Ph.D. diss., Graduate Theological Union.
Sleep, Lenora. 2000. Women, Work and Worship: The Relationship between the
Pentecostal Family and Modernity. M.A. thesis, University of New Brunswick.
Sonnenberg, Klaus. 2008. Preaching as Spirit-directed Witness. M.Th. thesis, Waterloo Lutheran Seminary.
Spencer, Elaine A. Brown. 2009. The Black Oneness Church in Perspective. Ph.D. diss., University of Toronto.
Stephens, Valerie. 1996. The Implementation of Profiles of Ministry at Eastern Pentecostal Bible College. D.Min. Ashland Theological Seminary.
Stephenson, John. 1990. The Centrality of a Common Interpretation of History to the Self-Definition of the Early Pentecostals. M.Th. thesis, Wycliffe College, 1990.
Stephenson, John. 2001. Primitive Methodists, Paulists, and Pentecostals: Toward a Historical Typology of Declines and Decline of Movments of Revival. Th.D. diss., Wycliffe College, University of Toronto.
Stewart, Adam. 2012. Quenching the Spirit: The Transformation of Religious Identity and Experience in Three Canadian Pentecostal Churches. Ph.D. diss., University of Waterloo.
Stiller, Brian C. 1975. The Evolution of Pentecostalism: From Sectarianism to
Denominationalism with Special Reference to the Danforth Gospel Temple, 1922-1968. M.Rel. thesis, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto.
Stone, Michael. 2016. A Theological Analysis of Three Youth Discipleship Programs. M.A. diss. University of Birmingham, UK.
Stronstad, Roger. 1975. The Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts. M.C.S. thesis, Regent College, Vancouver.
Swenson, Donald. 1972. The Charismatic Renewal within Denominational Christianity. M.A. thesis, University of Calgary.
Tapper, Michael A. 2016. The Trinitarian Culture and Corporate Worship Practices of Canadian Pentecostals: A Contribution form the Theology of Colin Gunton. Ph.D. diss., St. Paul University.
Thomas, Jerry. 2015. The Predominance of Pentecostal, Brethren, and Fellowship Baptists in French Evangelicalism in Quebec, 1921-1963. M.A. thesis, Briercrest Seminary.
Turner, Jon. 2019. Deliverance Ministry: Seeking an Effective and Contextual Baptist Response. D.Min. thesis, Acadia Divinity
Van Kleek, Laurence McKee. 1972. Significances of Being Filled with the Holy Spirit and Speaking in Tongues. M.Div. thesis, Waterloo Lutheran Seminary.
Verge, Carl. 1987. A Comparison of the Beliefs and Practices of Two Groups of Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Ministers: Those with a Master’s Degree and those with only Three Years of Bible College Training. Ph.D. diss., New York University.
Wall, Dan. D. 2002. Dissent Among the Faithful: Conflict and its Management within Selected Christian Denominations: A Comparative Analysis. M.A. thesis, Royal Roads University.
Weinhauer, Carlin Eugene. 1979. Church-related College Environmental Relations. Ph.D. diss., University of Alberta.
Westman, Clinton. 2008. Understanding Cree Religious Discourse. Ph.D. diss., University of Alberta.
Whitt, Irving Alfred. 1976. The Missionary, Culture and Communication: A Manual for Cross-Cultural Workers. M.A. thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary.
Whitt, Irving Alfred. 1996. Developing a Pentecostal Missiology in the Canadian
Context, 1867-1944. D.Miss., Fuller Theological Seminary.
Wilkinson, Michael. 1999. Global Migration and Transformation among Canadian Pentecostals. Ph.D. diss., University of Ottawa.
Willey, Robin D. 2010. Discovering the Evangelical Sexual Marketplace: An Ethnographic Analysis of the Development, Exchange, and Conversion of Erotic Capital in an Evangelical Church. M.A. thesis, University of Alberta.
Zieba, Richard Andrew. 1990. Healing and Healers Among the Northern Cree. M.N.R.M. thesis, University of Manitoba.